Manufacturing a better shipping solution.
Whether your facility is shipping parts, catalogs and sales materials, warranty books, technology products or other goods, we have an alternative shipping package to replace the corrugated box. We provide a multitude of large, secure envelope products that can save you shipping costs.
- DuPont™ Tyvek® - Memorable texture, lightweight, water and tear resistant.
- Kraft Paper - Kraft expansions are perfect for in-plant job jackets and warranty books. Additionally, 3" x 5" Tin-Tie envelopes have a metal safety fold perfect for rigid parts and even soil samples.
- Herculink® - Reinforced fiber provides superior protection against bursting, while its poly layer provides moisture resistance.
- FiberCraft® EF - Environmentally friendly, durable, made from 76% recycled paper.
- Tri-Brite® - The brightest of bright, tear-resistant envelopes.
We stock many flat and expansion envelopes up to 12" x 16" x 5” and can custom make larger sizes upon request.
To have a catalog or sample kit shipped the same day, please fill out our Sample & Catalog Request Form or send your name, address, phone number, and email address to [email protected] or call 800-626-5308.